Hi Matthias! Scott-the-newbe-in-Seattle here! Well done regarding your products.

Hi Matthias!
Scott-the-newbe-in-Seattle here!

Well done regarding your products. I just installed GGocdePrintr on a new RCA Viking 10 (10") , to drive my Leapfrog Dual printer. Seems to work well. However, I’m having a hard time figuring out how to to both extruders to work. They work fine in Simplify3D. Would I use a macro? I see you can show dual extruders in the UI, but I see no way to activate in the printer control. The only option is single extruder. Is there a config file I can edit? Also is there documentation regarding how to write macros? I do a lot of CNC GCode programing and Mach3 macros/VB-Script.

Or should I join the beta program to get dual extruders on the Leapfrog?

Thanks for the great work!

I signed up as a beta tester… I was a test manager at Microsoft for 7 years and a development manager for 10… moh ha ha!

Hi Scott, thanks for using GCodePrintr. Currently the support for dual extruders is kind of limited:
-Switching manually between both extruders can only be done through a custom macro (explicitly with T0 / T1 or with Macro [DUAL] in the beta)
-Any gcode file which controls both extruders will just print fine.
-The app will show the temperature of the active extruder in the status bar
-The option in the settings does not support dual extruders yet.
I hope this helps.

Super, thank you sir! I noticed there is no gcode in the DUAL macro. Am I reading it wrong, or is that where I should add my explicit tool setting?
I will probable just add my own [Set extruder left] and [Set extruder right] macros.

[DUAL] is a special macro statement which instructs GCodePrintr to toggle between both extruders.
See here for additional macro statements: http://gcodeprintr.dietzm.de/beta.html

Got it, thanks Mathias!