Hi! I'm looking for a replacement for the pinion and spur gears of the


I’m looking for a replacement for the pinion and spur gears of the f1 car.

I’ve found and checked with product expert from hobbyking and this (https://hobbyking.com/en_us/robinson-racing-steel-pinion-gear-48-pitch-metric-6-module-14t.html) seems to fit for the pinion gear.

Still looking for something to replace the spur gear, so there is nothing to fit the axle in hobbyking. I think mixing 3D printed gears with metal one will destroy the metal.

Greetings folks!

For a lot of my rc stuff I’ve always been told to leave at least one gear plastic (generally production gears though) so there is a point for failure. Otherwise the next weekest thing will have to be the failure point. Not the advice I always follow, but thought I’d put it out there…

Thanks, it’s a good advice.

Keeping a plastic gear might be a good thing. When you run into a wall you know where it will break (probably the front wing)

@Thomas_Cox That won’t be a problem, so, I’ll have an excuse to print the moustache front wing

You should be fine with a plastic spur. Almost all stock rc cars have a plastic spur, and almost none have plastic pinions.