Hi. I wanted to sanity check this before I cause any trouble for myself.

Hi. I wanted to sanity check this before I cause any trouble for myself. Is there any reason that I couldn’t use this display with the Cohesion3D mini:

Silkscreen seems to indicate AUX-2 and AUX-3 connectors rather than EXP-1 and EXP-2. Not sure if they’re equivalent.

Corollary question: is there a pinout for the GLCD adapter? The one I found in gut hub seems to be different.

I can’t answer your question, but I found it interesting that they included thingiverse links to cases people made for it. Very helpful, IMHO.

It looks like it will work. There will be some minor changes to the config file.

Get me one and we’ll figure it out :slight_smile:

I do have one here that I ordered to play with. Not going to get to play with it for a few weeks though. I think you’re a few towns over, if you want to give it a try?

Looking at it, the pinout is different than the reprap GLCD, unfortunately. It isn’t a direct plug in. Probably achievable with manually mapping the pins.

I do like it for its size, and it seems like it would have a better viewing angle than the RepRap GLCD.

Oh, and its got a place to solder an ESP-01 on the back. Not sure what that’s for, but sounds cool.

I have one of those on my big 3d-printer. It was not working until I got a special version of repetier from the supplyer. I think they need to be driven a bit different than the normal GLCDs.