Hi! I used to make games in Actionscript 2.0 some years ago ,


I used to make games in Actionscript 2.0 some years ago , fascinated by all things arduino , I’ve built myself a LED matrix with an arduino uno and a Ws2812B led strip.

I now would like to make some games, and for that I thought it would be cool to have a game engine. I’ve looked around and couldn’t find anything. Does anyone know one?

Otherwise I’ll start working on one, this is what I’m aiming for:

Be able to work with different sized matrices

Be able to create objects, feed them sprite sheets, or arrays, for different state of animation. Background could be an object, or a layer, which takes us to:

Control objects by layers.

Be able to move the objects, allowing them to loop around edges or not.

Allow transparency.

I know different games have different needs, but this would be nice to start some simple games.

With FastLED and what I remember about Actionscript will help me with this project, but I bet I’ll have a lots of errors, so I would like know how I should go about this, and if you don’t mind, could you check it every now and then? I don’t even know where I should post such a thing!

What have you tried so far?

Just finished building the led matrix, was planning on working with the code, but a few things came up. For now I have an object that I can move around with the press of a button. I wasn’t sure how fast the set up was going to work, but it seems more than enough

tween.this (?);

Reactive state machine framework for Arduino.