Hi, I have a question on auto bed leveling in smoothie.

Hi, I have a question on auto bed leveling in smoothie.
I configured auto bed leveling (cartesian grid leveling) and the leveling works as expected, but the printer doesn’t respect the leveling results (I think).
When the nozzle goes to Z0 at x0,y0 everything is fine, but when the nozzle goes to Z0 at x500,y500 (mid bed) it is way to high, so I can move a sheet of paper easily under the nozzle)
Do I have to activate the leveling mesh somehow ?

Here is my start gcode I use:

G28 ; home all axes (Z will be homed to max)
M280 S3.0 ;push probe down
G32 ; Bed auto level (Cartesian Grid Level)
G30 Z12.2 ; Find Z-Min
G1 Z20 ; move z up
M280 S7.0 ; pull probe up
G0 X5 Y5 Z5 ; prepare for print

Do I have to use the following M-Codes ?
M373 Z grid strategy: completes calibration and enables the Z compensation grid

Do I have to use the following before each G32 if I want to level before each print?
M561 clears the plane and the bed leveling is disabled until G32 is run again

Thanks for any suggestion

When I change the G32 and G30 Z12.2 to do the G30 first, the G32 will be ignored/not done. Why?