Hi guys. I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for all

Hi guys. I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for all the help I got while building my cnc router. I have a few more things to fo bit it is operational.

Lookin good!
What was the conclusion regarding the spindle driver problem that you had? I think it was you I am thinking of.
What is your current setup for the spindle and does the spindle turn the speed the Gcode expects?

You are not afraid of the dust :o

Nice machine btw, look very stable !

@donkjr , I was having issues with the spindle but I remember the other guy was having issues as well with a knock off VFD so it could be him you’re remembering. I solved my issue with:

Switch module for Spindle control

switch.spindle.enable true
switch.spindle.input_on_command M3
switch.spindle.input_off_command M5
switch.spindle.output_pin 1.23
switch.spindle.output_type pwm
switch_spindle_maximum_power 1
switch_spindle_minimum_power 0.0
switch_spindle_default_power 0.3
switch_spindle_pwm_period 400

My stepper drivers and stepper power supply are undersized but they work. I’ll upgrade those next. The spindle I have is very weak with lots of play. I can’t do aluminum yet because of if. The rest of the build is strong.

@Sebastien_Plante , yes the dust is terrible. I wouldn’t recommend doing this type of work in your basement. I was just working out the bugs. It will soon be moving to my garage!