Hi guys, I am a fresher on replicape and redeem.Some common questions :

Hi guys,
I am a fresher on replicape and redeem.Some common questions :
1.what touch screen is suitable for relicape ?some links?HDMI connection?
2.The redeem is derived from what firmware ?Marlin or repetier?
Thanks .

Addressing point 2, Redeem is not based on either Marlin or Repetier but rather follows the Marlin style when it comes to gcode compatibility. This means that while the code for Redeem and Marlin are completely different, if you supply the same gcode command to either one, you should get essentially the same response.

Touch screen wise, the manga screen 2 is coming out of Kickstarter in the next month or two, but there are a number of USB+HDMI touch screens you can use. Just beware you’ll need to tweak the toggle configuration of the resolution doesn’t match the manga screen’s

On the page:https://www.thing-printer.com/product/replicape/,I cannot see the HDMI interface on the board.How can I link the screen to replicape board?

The HDMI is on the beaglebone black, micro HDMI plug

So,I must buy “beaglebone black” ?How about REV.C4 version?

Rev C isn’t even in pre production yet. Rev B3 is like a ramps, you need the Arduino underneath… Here it’s a beaglebone black

I see.Thank you very much .

Does it support pt100 or pt1000 temperature sensors?

@vincent_Do I use a BeagleBone Black (BBB) Rev C (4 GB) with a Replicape Rev B3.

ok,thanks.I will try one.