Hi everyone thanks for reading me.

Hi everyone thanks for reading me. I just recieve my replicape last week and now im stuck im the setup process. My printer is a D-bot core XY i have most of the job done i think i can move all axis and heat extrude etc. The issue im facing occur when i home my printer. i can home X axis and Z axis perfectly bot when it come to homing y axis its search the end stop in the wrong direction. my end stop is place to have the print head a the back of the bed when home. i have search in the wiki all night and i didnt find the information i need. If any one can steer me in the right direction it would be great.



Please use the sign on travel_y to specify the direction of which to home the Y-axis. You can use the speed as well, but more commonly, we use the sign on the direction : )

Thanks alot realy appreciate your support. I have an other question can i use the same vcc for hotend fan ,x endstop,z probe?