Hi everyone! I'm trying to get some output (other than just a little tux

Hi everyone!
I’m trying to get some output (other than just a little tux on screen) when booting my BBB from internal memory.

editing the /boot/uEnv.txt file and changing the line:
cmdline=quiet init=/lib/systemd/systemd

to: cmdline=debug init=/lib/systemd/systemd
or: cmdline=init=/lib/systemd/systemd

and neither change posts data to the screen. Does anyone have some pointers for helping me enable verbose output when booting?

How is ‘console’ set?

there is no ‘console’ in the uEnv.txt file

Try setting it to ‘tty0’. Check out /proc/cmdline after boot to see what it is set to. Likely ttyO0.

console=ttyO0,115200n8 root=UUID=28a9b0ba-3098-4704-8319-a0cf07333526 ro rootfstype=ext4 rootwait fixrtc debug init=/lib/systemd/systemd

Yeah, console=tty0 needs to be in there too to see kernel output at login.

Awesome, thanks buddy!
After adding: console=tty0
to my /boot/uEnv.txt file, I saw that eth0 was trying to get a DHCP lease (even though eth0 was not connected). Removing the ‘auto’ line from my /network/interfaces files resulted in a 20 second decrease in boot time.

Blog it! Wiki it! Share with the world. :smile:

done… and I don’t like it. http://www.jezra.net/blog/Beaglebone_console_output_and_a_faster_boot

Now I’m going to get back to hacking on some code