Hi Everyone, i just got finished building a new cartisian cnc router and it

Hi Everyone, i just got finished building a new cartisian cnc router and it is awesome. This build uses 2 motors on each end of the x-axis. So, anyway how do you calibrate squareness during homing using linux cnc?

I heard some people use dual limit switches to reset x-axis squareness on dual motor machines with Linux cnc, but I’m not to sure how to implement the software part.

Has anyone out there ever worked with dual axis motor calibration using linux cnc?

I can load some pictures in about an hour.


If you start out square, and do not miss any steps, then you should remain square too.

Hi, thanks for your reply. The machine is pretty stable. It stays square but, i want to validate that it stays perfect after each and every homing event.

Have you asked the LinuxCNC mailing list?

Hi, i would love to. This is the first i hear about it. How do i reach the linux cnc mailing list?

I’m not trying to steer people away from the DIY CNC group. I’m just trying to help answer questions.

Hi Kyle, thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I will contact them today to find out more on how to resolve my configuration dilemma.

Thanks again!

LinuxCNC has a forum on their website, and an IRC channel too.