hi all need help trying to get a orange colour led to rotate round

hi all need help trying to get a orange colour led to rotate round some leds using this code found on internet was white put in orange in the CRGB::Orange but get green any help would be great thanks

In this line: FastLED.addLeds<WS2811, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);

The RGB is the setup for your strip. One of the examples helps you fix it, but change the order of RGB to BRG, GRB, RBG etc until it looks correct.

I would change crbg:: red whilst testing, then green, then blue and all should be good for orange :slight_smile:

The FastLED example Kelvin mentions is named RGBCalibrate. Definatelly good to use to confirm the correct color order for your LEDs before continuing on.

@Kelvin_Mead @marmil Thanks for you help and advise its now working great