Hi again, I got lots of progress from my last post.

Hi again,

I got lots of progress from my last post. You already know I had some vibration problems but It is gone with lots of aligning. I bolted 15mm 6082 aluminium on my table. It made huge difference on rigidity.

And as you can see from the pictures I made a belt driven spindle from a cheap mold grinder (600w). I got lots of advantages with this system.
I can use 2 to 10mm bits, I doubled the torque and I reduced minimum rpm to 5500.
But it is LOUD. :slight_smile:

I am saving money for water cooled spindle by the way :slight_smile:

Comments and crits are welcome.

Nice work, I really like the spindle!

@Bruce_Lunde thank you!

How heavy is that gantry?

I have to calculate. really dont know…

Just wondering as to how the bearings will hold up.

Bearings are still fine, but I bought a 2.2kw water cooled spindle system.