Hey guys, I am about to print this Spitfire rc-airplane.

Hey guys,

I am about to print this Spitfire rc-airplane. I printing with PLA and after printing all the wing parts needs to be glued together. 3dlabprint from where i bought the files recommend CA-medium. Do you guys think ca-medium is the best glue for this? Well, mabey this not matter too much becuse i don’t fly all that good anyway! :wink:

Is this your design?

No, you can buy the files from http://3dlabprint.com/index.php?id_product=1&controller=product

I must admitt that i am pretty excited about this project!

You’ll have to give us the final weight when it’s fully assembled (without electronics).

The wing on the pic is 128 gram.

I had had bad experiences gluing PLA with CA (it runs like mad, not sticking to anything), although, I heard that you can use bicarbonate on CA as a kicker (it will harden faster). Maybe you can try that on a scrap PLA piece.

If you print with ABS you can melt the edges with acetone and join them together (it’s like soldering).

Anyway, if I were you I would probably join the pieces with tape (you can get extreme packaging tape) and maybe hot-glue (depending on if the wing would have to stand to high temperatures when stored).

I am almost sure dichlorethane is best. It is not a cement (filler) glue, but a solvent of plastics - so there is no gaps or weak places or different stress resistance. Used a lot of it in my childhood for plastic plane, etc. models. But, the problem is, it is forbidden in EU - all plane models now come with weaker cement type glue. Have confirmed it in some modelist shop. But if you can get hold of it, could be worth a try - if 3D printer material is soluble in it, it will have the most strength.

Tetrahydrofuran is a solvent for PLA. You can get it on Amazon and other places. This is probably a bit more user friendly than some of the other solvents, but take care. Research any you use and pay attention to the protective equipment recommended. Weld-on 705 PVC pipe cement contains it for around $5.

CA doesn’t work with PLA at all in my experience.

CA must work but not the best mabey? look in this video in link below, he uses CA-medium. In video 12 is a demonstration when he fly with the plane. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yfycx8UxrLg&index=6&list=PLcpmwpTOtMxQLCOGUssBc3SLutSZdfL5Y

Watched some of those videos, very nice model.

I saw your post on Reddit/r/3dprinting. You should give this community an update. Your print looks really cool, and there are lots of folks here I’m sure would be interested. :slight_smile:

@Andre_Roy I will post the pictures here too.