Hey everyone, been lurking for a bit and finally trying to decide on a

Hey everyone, been lurking for a bit and finally trying to decide on a printer to build.

If I wanted to modify either the Eustathios or the Spider v2 for quad-extrusion (i.e. Kraken), which design would be better for that? Is it even worth considering the original Eustathios or just go for the v2?

Both a great. Jason’s original design has zero problems for me. I designed V2 to get a little more height, and integrate a few things that worked well on my HercuLien design.

The carriage for kraken would work for either equally. The cross bar spacing is identical.

Have you built or used any machine before? Because dual and multi extrusion is quite a beast to tame. I think it’s best to understand single extrusion backwards and forwards before tackling multi. Apologies if you already have a lot of 3DP experience, it’s just that doing multi well isn’t for the faint of heart.

@Jeff_DeMaagd I’ve had a Printrbot Simple Metal since October and lately I’ve been itching to move onto a larger printer with multi-extrusion. No offense taken!