Hey all! This was my first comprehensive post on the basic questions I get on 3D printing all the time. Hoping this is a start to write more consistently.
I would drop the patent stuff however. That’s not really important and mentioning that will lead to very complex and off topic discussions. So far there has been no case or accusation of patent infringement as far as I know. Let’s keep it that and don’t wake the (patent) trolls.
Great writeup but I’ve got two suggestions: first the piece needs editing as its rather lengthy and cumbersome in places and two, you should really credit each and every photo in a post like that. I have a feeling if you’re at a cocktail party and that’s your response to “So what is 3d printing?” you might find yourself standing by yourself very quickly.
I like it: lots of useful stuff. In support of @Brian_Evans 's comment: it’s a good idea to say something along the lines of “do you want the thirty second summary, or the five minute summary?” and deliver accordingly.
Thanks for the feedback! I’ll update it accordingly.