Hey all, great to see your builds,

@User1 http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae280/wildcardfox/wildcardfox027/Screen%20Shot%202016-02-06%20at%205.42.25%20PM_zpsp1hugji8.png

that’s the only picture I have of it. I plan on making a few more so that I can take good pics.

What is the silver piece outside of the mount inside of the rim on the non gear side?

Bearings used as a spacer. See if you can get the actual spacer, http://www.tqrcracing.com/shop/product_view.asp?p_id=1497. I could not find it.

I just bought it, thanks for all the help with the parts! So after talking to a friend we are going to laser cut our own carbon fiber base. In the spirit of this whole project would you mind uploading your pdf or whatever format you have the design for the base in?

Np. Good luck with the car.

Can you send me the design for the base you made? I have the tools to cut myself one, just need a design.

@User1 I used the original chassis design to make my carbon plate. I just cut a rectangle in the back to allow the motor to sit correctly.

How about mounting for the new brackets?

mounting for the motor mounts? I just lined them up and drilled new holes on my carbon plate. If you are using wood or carbon, then just make the plate without any holes and then double check your marks and drill.

I started messing with openSCAD and it was easy enough to put some new holes in it, I’ll post the laser cut part when I finish cutting it.

@User1 looking forward to it. I’m hoping upload a stl file that has the new mounting points in the next week.

I have the .stl right now, I can upload it if you want, it hasn’t been tested and is all one piece as I intend to laser cut it, want me to upload it?

yah please. I’d love to see it.

you did it in openScad? If you can, can you explain how you did it?

Sure, I’ll upload the openscad file too.

Sweet man. Thanks!

For the scad you will need to change the locations of the import of the stl’s

@brett_turnage Let me know what you think.