Here 's a little GEM the Devs cooked in the last release of LW4.

Here 's a little GEM the Devs cooked in the last release of LW4.

As explained by the Dev Team:
"The workspace highlights the machines workable area in white. The purple marker shows the actual position of the head. You can shift the work origin (=grid 0,0) to the place where you position your workpiece by pushing the “set zero” button, which results in an offset of the grid to the machine origin called work offset.

The workspace has to be configured once in the settings. On the machine tab you can configure the size of your maximum working area (machine width, machine height). With “machine left x” and “machine bottom y” you can shift the location of the machine origin. For example: If you like to have the machine origin at top left, you have to enter the value of machine height as negative value in the “machine bottom y” field."

Updated machine settings info at

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