Hello team! Can anyone give me support,

Hello team!

Can anyone give me support, I cant get connect to my PrintrBot Simple Metal. I have tried with multi OTG’s and 2 -3 android smartphones. See the error that I get: (Closing Connection)

Thank you!


Which vendorid and productID is shown on the console?

Its the GCodeSimulator v2.51 (free version) downloaded from Playstore. If I try the Full version I will see any difference about the connectivity ?

@Nick_Kyrmizoglou please try with GCodeSimulator v3.0 beta (just published it yesterday). To activate the beta program you need to opt-in here: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/de.dietzm.gcodesimulator . Once got the update to v3.0 please let me know if it worked. Thanks

Yes! v3.0 (although its a beta) seems to work for my PrintrBot :slight_smile: I had a successfully connection in my first try :slight_smile: My testing has start !!! A big thank you again and please continue this great project!