Hello smoothiers, I'm having terrible issues with my 3D printer.

Hello smoothiers,

I’m having terrible issues with my 3D printer. When I print, the extruder nozzle collides with layers that have just been laid down. I see the z axis rod threads rotate, but they don’t rotate enough to avoid the previous layer. I’ve been trouble shooting this for 2 weeks. What is going on?

This is my setup: Printer - Rigidbot Regular with 10x10x10 build volume

Motherboard - Smoothieboard 5xC v1.1 with 1/32 micro-stepping, latest firmware, config file

My z motors have a step angle of 1.8 degrees, 1.68amps, and rods with 12 tpi or 2mm pitch

My config file:


Yes, I can manually operate everything.

hang on let me do a run

So this is currently what my printer is doing after starting a print. My previous config file had me cutting the steps per mm on all my motors in half so I could “trick” my printer into even getting a first layer. So with my current config (with all the steps per mm as they SHOULD be) this is what happens…why does everything get so out of wack?
missing/deleted image from Google+

Your acceleration values look way off.
I’d suggest lowering it to 1000 for X/Y and 500 or even lower for Z to start with. You can raise and tweak those values later when you’re fine tuning your printer.

It’s working WAAAAY better. Finally got to print a half decent calibration cube. The problem seemed to be my bed level after all, but I will fix the acceleration as you said. Check this out though, the last few layers came way off from the print, wondering what went wrong. I’ll keep trying. Thanks guys!