Hello! New to FastLED, and also pretty new to coding.

Hello! New to FastLED, and also pretty new to coding. Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong? I want my leds to continuosly blend from one palette to another, and do that pretty slowly. So far no success. Also it mostly keep just one palette on most of the time. http://pastebin.com/q7TvUcau

Hi @Tuomas_Pakkila
Not quite sure I understand fully (as I’m also quite bewildered by palettes + I don’t have a rig to test things right now).

However, in your code I noticed that:

  • you don’t seem to set a new targetPalette after changing the currentPalette.
  • the timing look a bit extreme: you swap palettes every 30 seconds but blend them at every loop (i.e. blend process effectively over in nearly no time). Maybe try fiddling timings?

Hi matt! Thank you, stupid mistake from me with that targetPalette left unchanged. I went through the code several times and that never crossed my mind. I got forward with this thing and it’s almost working as it should, have to adjust the timings a bit more to make it perfect. Thanks!