Hello. I would like to make something like a progress bar using a WS2812

I would like to make something like a progress bar using a WS2812 led strip and the fastLED library.I am not very sure on how to write the code, so I would really appreciate it if anyone could give me some tips.

Hello @Eri11 Just a reminder that since ‘Google Plus’ is shutting down, this whole discussion group has moved to Reddit. Please consider posting this project over there. If you ask there (*and provide more info, see below) you might get more suggestions.

You’ll need to provide a bit more info to get better tips for your project because there are multiple looks that could be created. For example, do you want just a single dot (pixel) to move across the progress bar? Or a wider “block” of pixels? Or does the bar “fill up” as progress is made? Does the color change over the distance of the bar? Many things to think about and have fun with. :slight_smile:

Also, what’s the input that drives this?

If you don’t know about it, the Arduino map function will probably be useful in this project.

@marmil hello, i subscribed to r/FastLED,thank you for your advice.I am going to ask there,giving more information.