Hello! I would like to add a review of a 3D printer with SCARA

I would like to add a review of a 3D printer with SCARA mechanics - SkyOne printer. It has unusual design and brings such benefits as small sizes and silent work.
It has metal “arms” and even can to engrave and mill (soft materials of course).

Here is unboxing and starting video review:

Here is engraving video: https://youtu.be/GMnCl1NJcyg
and here is milling video: https://youtu.be/EuF3uytAeyU

Some questions.

What is the speed of printing?
Which material support thi printer?
What is the price for this 3d printer?

@Sergio Hello!
Maximum printing speed is 120 mm/sec.

The maximum temperature of extruder is 265C, so many filaments can be used - PLA, ABS, SBS, P-Carbon, FLEX, Resin and other.

At the moment the printer can be ordered for 850 euro.

@Sergio Actually, the prices are published at official web site: