Hello,I bought this software for my old asus nexus 7 but it says that

Hello,I bought this software for my old asus nexus 7 but it says that its not supported.I have 6.0.1 android version and i want to ran my anet a8 with this software.What make i wrong?Thanks in advance.

Hi, there has been a problem with the device features (android.hardware.camera was supposed to be optional). It is now fixed in the latest gcodeprintr release (3.04)

The problem was mine.I had my device rooted.Its a common problem for this device.The reason for rooting was to uninstall some heavy factory apps from my tablet from http://heavy.To make it faster.And this is the reason it gave me this error.The program is perfectly http://fine.To solve this problem i have to install app to my phone and with es explorer i had to backup as apk.I take apk and install it to my tablet and everything working like a charm…