Hello guys, i need some help getting my shapoko 2 up and running again,

Hello guys, i need some help getting my shapoko 2 up and running again, i havent used it in a couple months, and now when I connect it seems as my computer reads the USB port but the motors wont locked when connected to grbl… any suggestions? Thanks in advance…

Were you using Chilipeppr or something else? Did it get exposed to extreme temperatures?

extreme cold, since it’s been sitting in the garage for a while

@NathanielStenzel it worked ok a couple months ago tho, i thought it was grbl acting up after upgrading my io, but it i tried a couple other programs and does the same

I had mine exposed to the extreme heat of the Texas sun in a car and had trouble. I fumbled around and reflashed the grbl firmware and finally got it close to right. I hope you do not have the same level of difficulty.

i hope not, mine has been in the garage not expose to heat, can’t find the problem tho

@NathanielStenzel yes Mac

Did you connect the USB cable before or after the power for the CNC?

After powering the CNC

@NathanielStenzel after

@NathanielStenzel let me go try right now

@NathanielStenzel Just confirmed, i tried easel and computer is reading the USB, it seems like gshield and arduino aren’t communicating :frowning:

Problem solved!!! My G-Shield and Arduino came apart some how, just had to pushed g-shield all the way back till buttom out to arduino and now its back working again :)) thanks for all the help!!