Hello group, I've been oxing for several months,

Hello group,

I’ve been oxing for several months, cutting MDF and pine as I learn my machine. Just recently encountered a problem for which I have not found a solution,but I did find this group. My Ox is belt-driven x &my and screw-driven z. I use fusion 360 to generate gcode and deliver it to my Tinyg via Chilipepper.

My problem is the Ox periodically stops moving as gcode continues to flow from cp to Tinyg. Then will start going again. During one operation it is cutting a contour, stops, then continues the contour. The other area it is cutting a pocket. In both cases an arc is involved on one side.

I know I’ve changed the piece in fusion, trying to improve it and may have done something, but I have cut this piece earlier with what looked like good code.

So, do I have bad gcode that Tinyg is ignoring, flow control issues, or?

Thanks for reading through this, I’ve been fighting the issue for several days.


Did you try turning off the preview on your chilipeppr? Sometimes it hogs resources and causes those kinds of issues.

Sounds like your arc tolerance setting is too high. Lower it and you’ll be fine

Thanks for the quick response. The preview is the simulator, right? I’ll try that, thanks. Perhaps another discussion topic, if everyone feels it’s appropriate is Chilipepper itself. I have found that my actual job finishes 20 or 30 minutes ahead of Chilipepper. Have no idea why, but seems really strange.

That’s the arc tolerance in the Tinyg? Are there settings for each axis, seems like I saw something about that? Any advice on what the setting(s) should be? And thanks!

No arc tolerance on the post in fusion 360. Should be in the post settings

A few possibilities :

The driver chips could be over heating and shut off to cool, a good fan will do wonders. The chip try to self protect …

You might be driving your steppers too fast : too many pulses and or too short pulse width or both. The sign to look for here is the problem occurs only during long moves rather than short ones. Z will be more sensitive (screw drive vs belt drive). This usually will also cause stepper to freeze until powered off unless you are just at limit of the steppers capacity.

It might be power supply which can’t supply enough juice for all steppers. Sign here is missing steps are usually when more than one stepper is moving.

Let’s see … trying to remember my situations over last 12 or so months with myOX … those would be the main ones.

Brian, thanks, just watched the the video. Will try that.

Serge, will look into your stepper issues as well.

Many thanks, everyone.

I can now actually try something instead of searching the net!!!

Ted all you have is a buffer delay from sending commands faster then they can be executed. Lower the arc tolerance (try 0.1mm or 0.004") and all should be good