Hello Everyone, Looks like there hasn't been too much recent activity in Cut-It-Forward,

Hello Everyone,

Looks like there hasn’t been too much recent activity in Cut-It-Forward, but I’m hoping you’re all still out there. I’ve decided to sling together an OX and see what it can do. Have received most of the necessary hardware including a CNC xPRO V2 to evaluate. Was going to purchase a set of plates, but remembered your Cut-It-Forward program and decided it would be best to participate/contribute.

Suggestions (constructive) to help an OX noob are appreciated.


Man, that looks like commitment to me. The program kind of died as no one really “forwarded” the forward. Alex carried it for a while but he got busy too.

I can probably get a set together. They won’t be beautiful or perfect but will work if I can, interested?

Very interested.

As my girlfriend always says, “It doesn’t have to be pretty. It just has to work.” … Wait a minute. …Why does she say that to me so often?

Tragic personal life aside, imperfect plates are fine as long as they can get me spun up. Besides, if you folks are anything like me, the first thing you’ll do is replicate the difficult to obtain components. Learned that the hard way on a MM3. Broke a printed component not five minutes after unboxing it. “Hmm, this seems pretty durab-SNAP!”

Thanks Brandon.
Looking forward to the build.

@A_Driskill I just laughed so freaking hard.
I’m going to hook you up!

Can you give me about a week? Oh and shipping is yours.

@A_Driskill what was your cost to implement? (and this is the first I’ve heard of the Cut-it-forward, I’ll have to keep this in mind). I’ve got a FTC Robotics team (http://www.usfirst.org) looking to up their game and a CNC is on the wish list. I’ve been looking at the OX so I’m curious what the cost can be managed down to, while not killing functionality (some upgrades just make sense to do at the start for example).

Hey Guys,
Sorry about going dark for a bit. Life getting “lifey” as it inevitably does from time to time.

Sounds great but don’t let it get in the way of any holiday obligations you may have. I’ve got a few other projects to keep me busy in the mean time. Definitely, we’ll figure out materials and shipping, so I can take care of it.

Hello Jerry,
Well, I’m not at the shop right now, so I can’t give you any cost info, however I didn’t spend any time on cutting costs. I just sourced the materials that I could from the http://openbuilds.org site. They have a parts list that can help get you started. Also, since I’m just starting my build, I’m sure I’ve got plenty of unforeseen costs (time and money) in my future. Hopefully some of the other folks here who have completed their machines can be of more help. As I gain a little experience I’ll try to be more helpful, but for now I’m still a newbie. Let me know if you decide to build especially if you’re planning some mad-mod. Ambitious builds are always interesting to follow.

No worries hit me up for an address on hangouts, I’ll get the info to you and email me a packing slip I got a set for you. Sounds like you already got someone to cut it forward for :slight_smile: