Hello Everyone! I am Swee-Ann from Espressif; I am the CEO.

Hello Everyone! I am Swee-Ann from Espressif; I am the CEO. Thanks for working with ESP8266. I will be happy to answer questions about the chip, and the new one as well.

Care to elaborate on the “new ones” ? Excited !!

Me too!

I was wondering about the “new one” too.

New one ? What’s this ?

I’d like to know if it was possible to open up the SDK development a bit? I’ve noticed NodeMCU and others have issues with the size the SDK grown to and they’d like to strip off some less important stuff - and that is not possible if you distribute the SDK libraries in binary form only. Am I right? How about making the development more open source?

Hello Swee-Ann, I am the creator of this group, welcome! I would also be interested in learning more about future products :slight_smile:

Hi there Swee-Ann - I wondered how long it would be before you mentioned the new chip - come on then “spill the beans” - what’s in it and when can we have it?


That should have been signed Pete. Finger trouble.

Hello, everyone!
well, it’s my pleasure to talk about the new chip: we have been working 24/7 testing the new chip. so far so good, except for a couple of bugs, which are immaterial. it will be sent for reliability testing next week.
The overall architecture of the chip had been totally changed since ESP8266, and we are kind of relieved that it works. So if the Russian guys are decapping the chip again, it will look somewhat different. Hehe. *:_p
And performance has been bumped up quite a bit! We are going to have 100Mbps sustained throughput, and EMMC interface as well. There is a lot more RAM, to go with that data rate. The same 7 external component BOM is still possible, and maybe less.
We measured about 400DMIPS on the new chip. WiFi uses less than 30DMIPS. I have no idea yet what the Hackers/Makers/Developers are going to do with that 370DMIPS and 100Mbps of data…
We haven’t tested the low power portion yet, because of a bug, but it will be fixed in a couple of days, but we have seen hints that it can be very very low power. Low power chip design, unfortunately is sometimes, more like art than science; a lot of things are beyond simulation and models.
there is going to be a temperature sensor as well, but when WiFi transmits, it increases the temperature by at least 20°C. So…
What else have i left out? I need to catch some sleep…

What hardware (Real hardware) interfaces will it have? I2C? Iram size? Max flash size for code?

Hi Swee Ann… I think you’re making assumptions that we know ANYTHING about the new chip… a step back? What is it, why the replacement? what new features? Will the cost remain the same?

I would also like to know what will happen to the good old ESP8266 for those of us who have a product developed with it. Are both products going to coexist ? Thank you!

ESP8266 is supported by the longevity program, and will be supported for the next 12 years.

@Peter_Scargill the plan is that ESP8266 will be slightly cheaper, and the new chip will be slightly more expensive. and it’s got lots of new features… the marketing department is putting a gag on me. cos they haven’t decided how to number the parts. i am for simplicity, but we will have a debate about this internally soon.

@Swee_Ann_Teo Thank you very much. Support on ESP8266 for 12 years is a great news for me! Please keep in touch with this community; it is very important to have you here…

I don’t know if the information here are true, but the luck of ESP8266 has been the guys that build the GCC, found the memory map and then ported the Arduino cores. If a new ESP will come, Espressif shall support them otherwise no one will move to the new chip.

@Pablo_G ​ what product based on ESP8266 have you build?

I don’t speak for Espressif but I can’t imagine the core WIFI section being THAT different. It took months for the Windows community to be able to do anything with the existing chip as all the tools out there were Linux - it would be daft to force people to start again.

@Dario_Di_Maio smart energy meter