Hello, Does anyone know if beaglebone black is able to boot from an external


Does anyone know if beaglebone black is able to boot from an external sd card? If so how can I do it?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Yes, http://beagleboard.org/getting-started

On my old BBB I had the default Angstrom installed in flash but put Debian onto a microSD card. The BBB booted to Debian when the microSD card was in present. No need to press a button or anything. Debian just booted up. You can even update the Debian OS and install files. It does all this onto the SD. Very easy.

Thanks, it seems it works both ways. The Beaglebone Black can detect if ther is an OS in the SD Card. I tried this with debian and android, it worked with both.

Agreed. There is a bunch of wrong/confusing info out there about pressing or holding the reset button on power up. I have installed the latest Debian onto the flash by out the EEMC version onto the MicroSD and then holding reset while powering up.