Hello All, I am trying to find someone who can machine these Thingiverse parts

Hello All, I am trying to find someone who can machine these Thingiverse parts for me so that I can go all metal on my now dead Solidoodle SD3. If I can’t go all metal, I will likely continue to use the existing carriage mechanism. The files are on Thingiverse at http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:121217. Can anyone let me know whether someone can do the milling? I will pay for it of course.

Excellent, @Alex_Krause ​, @Eclsnowman ​, doable?

Do you know how thick the plates are? I am on a job site right now with poor reception.

I won’t be able to get home until later this evening to actually open the DXFs in something that could tell me. My Mark I eyeball says 6mm

Look thick for a CNC router… Hmm only if someone had a big brand new mill they wanted to test out.

@Samer_Najia if you have some time (waiting on imperial unit tools) and will pay for material and convert to DXF, I might know a guy.

@Brandon_Satterfield ​, I have loads of time and the files are already in DXF but I have no way and no know-how to edit them. And of course I would happily pay for the material and the effort.

Perfect sir. Email over what you have and what you would like to edit. gadgeteer997.1

By the way, you need to get ready to start modifying and tool patching brother, you have s pretty gnarly machine headed your way… :slight_smile:

The 2 files I have are here: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:121217

I am not sure about the eMail address…gadgeteer997.1???

These files will most likely be STL files in less they are already converted. Busy next few days but I can try to convert.

Ok, pull them down whenever you are able. I am in no rush and even if it isn’t possible, I can still stick with the existing printed components. Thanks