Hello again. Wolfmanjm , I saw this over the repository:

Hello again. @Wolfmanjm , I saw this over the repository: “Allow non contigous definition of ABC homing endstops”. So…, the question is… Is it possible to declare A and C rotatory axes without B axis stepper motor definition and without B axis stopper definition ?. If I execute the home command (using this update), there is not required to detect B axis stopper before C axis stopper ? (B axis stopper could be ignored and the home command will work for A and C rotatory axes ?). Or this change only applies over config file definition but not over the behavior of home command ?. Nowadays, If I want to use C rotatory axis, A and B must be defined before and in sequence (stepper motor and stopper definitions). Any comment is appreciated. Thanks.

all axis definitions are still required. the fix was for the endstops only.

endstops however can be defined only if you need them and do not have to be contiguous as before

Ok, so,with this update, I can use in home property (for example) Z,Y,X,A,C ? (B axis stopper definition could be ignored) ?

Ok ! . Thanks for your comments @Wolfmanjm !