Heekscnc keeps crashing can anyone suggest other free 3d cam programs?

Heekscnc keeps crashing can anyone suggest other free 3d cam programs?

Have you spent any time looking at PyCAM? It’s rough around the edges and likely still being developed.

I don’t know anything about makercam, and, I can’t look at it one my phone, but, it is worth a look.

I downloaded pycam, but I haven’t invested any time because it looks so rough around the edges.

Someone (?) on the shapeoko blog covered it a bit and compared it with freecam vs meshcam.

Thanks @Kyle_Kerr ​ I’ll scan the shapeoko blog

It’s not free, but you should probably take a look at Cambam …

Autodesk’s fusion 360 has HSMExpress all for free (for noncommercial or startups)

Cambam have free solution. Scroll down in download page and you see.

I haven’t really used any of them but I have been looking at: BlenderCAM, Openscam, and Makercam.

I use CamBam and love it, however only have done 2.5D stuff. There is a free version available as well.

It seems http://chilipeppr.com/ is another one to investigate.

I have been happy with heeks, maybe try on a different computer

Shapeoko thread on improved stability, bugs/fixes in HeeksCAD: http://projects.shapeoko.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3286