Heads up, folks that like to play with betas.

Heads up, folks that like to play with betas. It appears that the CH340 driver from here http://blog.sengotta.net/signed-mac-os-driver-for-winchiphead-ch340-serial-bridge/ - causes kernel panics on the macOS 10.12 beta that was released earlier this week. Note that many of the ESP8266 boards out there use the CH340 instead of FTDI… Going to see if I can find drivers that work, but in the meantime, be careful out there!

Never had an issue with the nov15 340 driver btw

Are you running the 1 week old macOS 10.12 beta, though? Because that is the one that is crashing two separate machines that I’ve just upgraded to the 10.12 beta. (Note: i’m talking about the macOS Sierra beta that was released earlier this week at WWDC)

No no, i updated the 2013 July version in December, and this was the nov15.

I have no idea of the performance etc, but it is totally sable.

Not signed though.

Again - what version of macOS are you using?

Ahh, sorry, thought you meant the macos beta driver! No the standard rollout El Capitan, whatever version that is.

No - I’m talking about the macOS beta - which is why I was continually saying the “macOS 10.12 beta” :slight_smile: Unclear whether the problem is on apple’s side, or their driver’s side - but either way - it makes for a fairly unhappy world to try to use the CH340 driver right now.

I get kernel panics too with the sierra beta 2 :confused: Any solution so far?

beta 5 panics as well. Anyone found a fix?

The fix is someone needs to release a new driver.

@Daniel_Garcia and they most likely won’t release a new driver until 10.12 is out of beta. Oh well …

@Daniel_Garcia , have you found any other workarounds for the CH340 driver? I wish I had seen this post before I updated to Sierra. Oh well.

I just got a hold of a beta driver that I want to test out - if it works, I’ll get back to the author of it and beg him to make it publicly available :slight_smile:

@Daniel_Garcia I haven’t tried this one yet, but here’s a potential driver https://tzapu.com/ch340-ch341-serial-adapters-macos-sierra/