Having researched for a while over the “stutter” problem I can’t seem to find out where, how or what to do to install the grbl-LPC fix.
Can anyone advise please… to give me a nooby idiots guide so to speak.
@E_Caswell have you tried running the gcode from the SD ( assuming you are in a smoothie compatible board ?) Details on how to install grbl-lpc are here http://cncpro.co/index.php/65-documentation/initial-configuration/firmware/grbl-lpc-1-1e
@Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty I have run from the card but I have had problems with machine set up and no matter where I set park prior to running from the card it never repeates the same place twice.
I will have a look at the link and let you know how I go on.
Get also the latest version of LW4 and make sure when you place the head on the location you want, click Set Zero, then generate the gcode ( no homing should be setup in settings so the machine does notel home before running the job )