Having a little trouble with JSon 1.94! It keeps losing connection! Could be my

Having a little trouble with JSon 1.94! It keeps losing connection! Could be my computer as I am running an old laptop Windows xp home 2002 service pack 3 1.6 GHZ, 590 MHZ, 1.99 GB ram! So before purchasing a new pc any idea’s I could look into with this setup?
Thanks in advance,

When you say it’s losing connection can you describe that much deeper?

Thanks John, json is disconnecting when chili is running the g code . The program stops and I have to scroll down to the server section where it says server disconnected press to reconnect. I changed chilli to load the max lines of code to be stored in the buffer and that will help me run code that is not that long? Let me know if this helps!

What browser are you using?


Try disabling the 3D viewer and see if you stop getting disconnects.

Thanks John, I did disable the viewer and still no luck!

Are you using tinyg or an Arduino? If the latter what is the usb chip (post a photo)?

Are you using tinyg or an Arduino? If the latter what is the usb chip (post a photo)?

How many lines are you getting uploaded into SPJS before it disconnects? Can you perhaps share screenshot when app does this? Does it do it far into the job or right at the start?

Assuming +Brian Poland is using a 'duino and grbl, f the chip is a CH340 (or equivalent) then that could be the culprit. If an FTDI then the reports are that this is stable. The Atmel chip has a bug in the firmware that can cause a lot of odd scenarios. Worth upgrading that firmware as the next debugging step. It can’t harm.

Well, he’s saying the websocket is dropping, not the serial port.

the binary crashing (and causing a reset of grbl on reconnection) is one of the primary reasons I gave up with milling.

I do not know whether it came from the arduino resetting because of garbage serial data (mangled by the firmware) or whatever other reason. From the user’s perspective the first thing you know about it is that you’ve lost the connection in the CP window.

Justin I’m using tinyG v8

John, I have it set to upload the max 20,000 into the buffer. I will run the complete gcode that is the buffer but at some point it will disconnect! Tried to do a screen capture but I cant upload it!

Screen shot
missing/deleted image from Google+

Do you have to restart spjs though? Or does it keep running? We are still confused.

Anything in the buffer continues to run, so if the code is under 20,000 lines it will finish the job! If I want to jog the machine or run again I need to restart SPJS!

It sounds like you changing to upload the max 20k lines is the problem. Just let ChiliPeppr stream the lines in like it does by default. So set your Gcode widget settings back to default and you may be ok here. I think you’re just clogging the buffer such that the websocket backs up.

Thanks John, originally I had it set at the default! Went to 20,000 lines to see if that would help on the disconnect! I’m gonna see if I can get my hands on another PC and give it a try!