has anyone worked with SSDP on ESP8266 ,

has anyone worked with SSDP on ESP8266 , i want to find the IP given to the ESP on my network. ?

So print wifi details on Serial.

i want to find ip address of esp on my android application.

@Shashank_kakrecha so post wifi details via GET, save it to mysql, show it on web/download it to your app

You could use Fing to find the Espressif device, or scan your subnet for a MAC that starts with 18:FE:34.
Depending on your application, you might just use PubNub instead…

I don’t want to use 3rd party app … I have an app that controls the esps gpio… I want to know the esps ip address dynamically from my app.

I just not succeeded in searching esp and getting its ip address within my app , using ssdp

If you’re decided on SSDP, this might help: https://gist.github.com/dankrause/6000248

Udp Broadcast?

That or iterate through every IP in your range…

What about ARP requests… Who has IP… And if the MAC address matches, you know your Espressif devices…

Check the options on your DHCP server, many of them have the ability to register clients with ddns / mdns services automatically.