Has anyone had issues with stripping the gears on the 1/10 F1 car?

Has anyone had issues with stripping the gears on the 1/10 F1 car? The motor I am using has been tearing apart the gears. I just purchased a carbon fiber axle and gears to prevent this from happening. Just curious if anyone has a solution to this other than limiting the power.

If you bought the carbon axle and gears then you won’t have to limit your power.

my motor was too powerful and I kept breaking axles. However my gears meshed well and they did not eat themselves up. How is your alignment on the printed gears?

Which material did you use anyway?

Hatchbox PLA

PLA is very hard though brittle. You may try nylon or hardened ABS (acetone vapor treated) instead. Propably PET+ Does a good job aswell.

You where breaking plastic axles or the carbon fiber kind?