Has anyone else had trouble updating the TinyG firmware with the Syntheos Updater in

Has anyone else had trouble updating the TinyG firmware with the Syntheos Updater in Windows? I had trouble, and I’ve seen posts from a few now in the ChilliPeppr Google+ group that seem to experience what I experienced, and if so, it might be a bug with the updater.

What was happening was I would immediately get “Verified Failed”, and repeated attempts would cause other errors like “Undefined” or sometimes the COM port was giving an access denied.

I ran the STGU from a command prompt, and what I saw was the updater downloading both the Stable firmware, and the Edge Firmware (even though I didn’t pick the edge one), checking the hashes, and then looking for the firmware version in the downloaded images or some meta data that accompanied them, and the stable firmware had a json version attribute which read fine, but the edge firmware was missing the property and so the updater encountered an “Undefined” error which immediately caused the UI to show “Verify Failed”.

I had to update with the avrdude method (which went just fine,) but I’ve seen other users become frustrated because that method is a bit more complex than they’re comfortable with. I only mention that since if it’s just a bad bit of meta data, the problem is probably easily resolved.

on step 4 how did you download the file , i am trying too it the hard way and i do not understand that step. Download file https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/50261731/avrdude.conf

@Kurt_Schuppert Did you get this figured out Kurt? When you extract the zip file to your downloads directory, it puts alot of stuff you don’t actually need in there along with it.

What you want to do is goto the arduino-flash-tools-master folder, and in there you’ll see “tools_windows”, go into that folder and you’ll see “bin” and “etc”. Go into the “etc” folder and copy the .conf file from that folder, then go back up one folder and go into the bin folder and paste it there. Then download the hex file that you need to program according to the instructions and copy and paste it into that same bin folder. When you’re done you should have 4 files in that folder, the “avrdude.exe”, , “libusb0.dll”, “avrdude.conf”, and the hex file, such as “tinyg-master-440.18.hex” (the instructions link to the download location, here’s the current one: http://synthetos.github.io/binaries/tinyg-master-440.18.hex )

Then you shouldn’t have any trouble running the commands in that guide. Also, I had to follow the extra instruction of adding the “-e” as a parameter to the end of all the other commands.

NOTE: Before you update be sure to backup your current settings! ChilliPeppr makes it easy to do with the settings panel, just click the little drop down arrow next to save and you can choose to archive them. Just be sure to actually download them and save them once you archive them because it archives them to the screen, and saving is a seperate process.