Hackaday article on PLA Adhesives, relevant to most everyone's interests here I would think:

Hackaday article on PLA Adhesives, relevant to most everyone’s interests here I would think:

The tl;dr of it is Superglue (cyanoacrylate) works amazing, Weld-on #16 is still best, avoid other “plastic” glues.

Figured I’d put my comment of my experience here as well for those that don’t see the other post.

I’ve had the same experience with the fast drying HDX super glue. It set up before I could get the parts all the way together even with locator pins. The working area needs to be really small but it makes a really strong bond.

I’ve used the loctite before and found it to be quite strong. Krazy glue (another cyanoacrylate) works really well for me. Locator pins are a must for any of these.

For larger assemblies I use the brown Gorilla glue. The Gorilla glue needs to be clamped, does expand (fills crevices), and takes a long time to fully cure but it makes a very strong bond.

Oh, and to apply the Gorilla glue to hard to reach places I put some on a strip of tin foil folded over several times and just rub it on the surfaces to be bonded. If they are already wet with water it spreads quite nicely.

Very helpful . Thank you .

Sweet. I actually already use this glue because of the easy to squeeze bottle and it’s price. Guess I just keep using what I’ve got. I never had any issues so I just kept using it. Glad to know it’s strong as well.