Got another shipment of parts today. It feels like Christmas.

Got another shipment of parts today. It feels like Christmas. I got the CVDs and Wheel Adaptors. The CDVs are HobbyKing PN: 382000124 and cost $5.95 a pair. The Wheel Adaptors are HobbyKing PN: 151000031 and cost $3.28 for a set of 4.

Wheel Adaptors work perfectly!

These are a very close match but not perfect. They are the same dimensions everywhere except the fat section in the middle is 2.75mm shorter than the one in the 3d models. The threaded section is the same length. I plan on continuing to build my truggy using these and if needed will modify some parts to make these work.

sweet thanks for sharing!

I’ve already modified the hub’s to fit these shafts.

Awesome. I will add those files and some documentation to the Wiki if you dont mind.

Thats totally ok!

Where did you get the tyers ??? They look cool

I’m working on modifying some parts to accept Traxxas universal joints and shafts. It’ll be a while before I get it done and may require a little bit of extensive modification to other parts.

Right now I really want to drive the thing so I’m getting the HPI ones from ebay. The wiki is very helpful. Thank you!

The came off a really old Radio Shack truck. I was lucky that they are the same size.

If i buy CVD’s from hobbyking, I should print the Rear C-hub
added by Emile. What about the front one? It stays the same?

@Roman_Broda If you buy the same CVDs that I got from Hobbyking you should probably print the parts that Emile put links to. But Hobbyking sells a lot of CVDs so make sure you get the same ones. I have not printed them yet because I am waiting for the bearings to arrive.

@Joshua_Updyke Ok thank you very much. Since for now they are backorder, I’m looking for some alternate CVD’s by myself. If i find something good, I’ll let you know :slight_smile:

I’ve nearly finished my modifications to use Traxxas Rustler VXL components. Beside the diff outputs, the rear requires more clearance in the hubs. @Emile_Wim 's work well. The front however requires a little more modificaiton. The VXL stubs are 5mm too. The VXL wheel bearings fit in the hubs.

Both front and rear require a 2mm longer wheel spacer.

The front C hub and steering block require more clearance for the shafts as well. Unfortunately, this also requires a larger cutout in the wishbones for the C. I think I will print the last parts and test them out this weekend. I will upload everything including part numbers when it’s done.

@Ben_Malcheski It would be great if you could document this on the wiki. I am happy to help with that if you need.

I got these today. I don’t see how they will work though. The part that goes through the wheel is not long enough. Am I missing something here? I have printed the Rear C-hub added by Emile but its still to short.

Ha! I had to snap off part of the rim that prints for support. Who knew… :slight_smile: Did you make the wishbones smaller to get these to fit?

Am I missing something here? I bought the CVD’s shown above and they are too short on the long armed part (they don’t reach the slotted connector on the diff housing assemblies.) Anyone know what the problem is? where have I gone wrong?

I had a problem like that I believe. Did you see my comments? I think you need to break off the part that is printed on the rim for support.

Do you still have this piece attached?

Hi Brandon, no they were removed from wheels. I bought the CVD’s Joshua recommended above but these measure shorter than Daniel Norees recommended ones of 118mm CVD’s which are shown on the assembly model in grabcad. But I am confused, if other people have bought Joshua’s alternative ones why aren’t others experiencing short shafts on the assembly like me?..

another observation is those blue wheel adaptors are rubbish. When you tighten them as much as possible they do not grip the shaft of the CVD…Are they meant to?