Got a problem that hopefully you guys have encountered and can help me with.

Got a problem that hopefully you guys have encountered and can help me with. For reference I’m using Slic3r.

I’ve started attempting my first prints, and one thing that is bothering me a bit is that after XYZ homing, the hotend drags across the bed to get to the starting point, leaving a little trail of ooze as it goes. Is there a quick and easy way to drop the bed a little in Z prior to initial travel to prevent this?

What is your Lift Z value? Its under the printer tab. that should control the z lift for travel moves

I was hoping for a non-global edit so that it’d only do it on the intitial travel move, but I just noticed the PE edition of Slic3r that I have started using has a height limit you can force, so that’ll likely do it!

Does Slic3r have allow you to have gcode snippets for printer gcodes?
In KISS, we have pre and post gcode options, and in the section for “Select New Extruder & Warm” – each time an extruder is selected immediately before printing we can look ahead to the next path. I don’t see why you could not add a Z0.5 to the string to move it up

; Head to the start of the next path
G1 X Y F6000
G4 P0
; Select the Tool (extruder)

Add a small z-lift into your slicers start gcode. Then it will go up before going to the first position.