Good evening good people of laserweb if you are unaware we have a new

Good evening good people of laserweb if you are unaware we have a new tireless soldier to join the front lines @Monte_Krol ​​​ please welcome him to the family because the last few weeks he has blown up my email with all his additions/fixes. This is a big shout out to all his tireless work and as soon as he gives me a link to his beer fund account I will start an official fund for all his efforts because they do not go un-noticed. Thank you brother for all the work you have put in.

Well said Alex.
A big THANK YOU from everyone here at Darkly Labs too.

O jeepers… You might have oversold what I can do :). I’m having fun helping out in my after-hours time, and I’ll try to keep the chnages coming. Thank you!

We have not oversold, you are just underselling your contributions. All the fixes and work you have done has allowed Peter to focus on the bigger picture, especially his collaboration with @Sebastien_Mischler on LaserWeb4.

Well, LW3 literally made the difference between unusable and usable for my modified K40. So I’m happy to help – and I’m helping myself also :slight_smile: