Gina Häußge Just have seen Octoprint OnAir #13 where you told that you can't

@foosel Just have seen Octoprint OnAir #13 where you told that you can’t do something if there are problems to get the right dependencies from the python repository, or if the debian version is too old, but you can do something.

Now that you just don’t pull anymore from github, but downloads an archive, you could do the next step. Let the archive be a docker container. This container would have the right version of python modules already installed.
This would make it even easier for people like me that believes that a raspberry pi is too weak. I have running OctoPrint in a docker container on a Odroid C2 and HC1 just fine. Any other ARM device would be possible to use.

Okay, OctoPi would be not that important anymore. Any distribution that contains docker would do the job, but the OctoPi devs. have the knowledge what has to go into this docker container.

What do you think?

Ah, and multiple instances for multiple printers would be extremely easy!

You may want to post this to the OctoPrint group as well:


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