Follow-up to my fire safety guide - actually checking my own printers! Interesting results

Follow-up to my fire safety guide - actually checking my own printers! Interesting results ahead!

It would be great if you included how these safety settings are to be enabled. In case they are enabled by the factory settings. Many beginners who build their own machines may not be aware of this



@Thomas_Sanladerer Thanks !!

This is a, mk10 from a creality product with less than 20hrs of printing from new, off factory firmware. I didn’t like my settings on a print so I stopped it, as I was going through my settings, I heard a noise, looked up and fire? I yanked the plug and blew it out. I did notice the temp reading at 480c as it was happening. Smoke poured out of the board. Creality did warranty the hot end and board. I am trying to learn as much as I can before using that machine again? It happened so fast, the screen might have said max temp? I was a long time ago, it took over a month to get the replacement parts?