Folks, I need help in running Text (Date, Time,

I need help in running Text (Date, Time, Temp) and animation in the background on WS2812B 30 X 10 powered by Arduino Uno, I was able to run multiple animation and achieve it perfectly. But I’m not able to combine both using a single library. I tried with SmartMatrix and finally gave up. For now I just need to run a scrolling text with some cool animation in the background(eg. Plasma etc…)

Any possible library / Fastled example ?

Tried @Aaron_Liddiment 's LEDText library?

It looks nice, but it uses > 2K Bytes of global variable which is not supported by Uno I had to shorten it. Thank you Jason this should help

hey @Jason_Coon do you know if your matrix has to be wired in a non serpentine way as mine is because it says in the setting up of the page you linked "You must declare an instance of the cLEDMatrix class as this is used to declare and modify the LED data according to the matrix dimensions, layout and origin.

cLEDMatrix<64, 8, HORIZONTAL_ZIGZAG_MATRIX> leds;" as it says it uses “NOTE This class uses the LEDMatrix class which must be downloaded separately from my GitHub.”

I’m currently not with my matrix but I just wired my first one and still having trouble finding a library to work with to create scrolling text as the only programming i really know is to set individual pixels to make a word then turn them black then do it over again. and last time i tried to use that library it didn’t really work out with my serpentine raster.