Flexible TPU print - Bending/absorbing instead of braking.

Flexible TPU print - Bending/absorbing instead of braking. (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1884110)

is it stiff enough to withstand the pressure of the airflow when driving faster so they dont rub on floor ??

@Googolplex_Goku sure! it will bend up, does not want to bend downwards

ahm wouldnt that reduce the friction or im missing something thought spoilers are the opposite of an airplaine wing and should increase friction and therefoe bend down - at least that is what i have learned in my car body apprenticeship or what i remember - just curios im just 3 months into 3d printing ^^ but i love it ^^

@Googolplex_Goku it will only bend when crashing the car into something

pär andersson