Finally showing off all the details of our tool-changing 3D printer! In depth techy blog post as standard. We’re also taking pre-orders to see if people are at all interested in buying such a specialist item.
I’ll be here to answer questions for a few hours!
You can buy a place in the queue to get one for £100, tesla style. Unfortunately to make it is going to be expensive, so we’re talking something like £1000+ without electronics. Just a motion system with tool changing ability.
If you want one and can possibly spare the £100 do buy the queue placement. If we don’t get enough pre-orders we won’t be able to go into production. We can refund your money at any time should you need it.
How bad is the positioning accuracy of permanent magnet tool changer? if i design a proper one will it have accuracy issues?
i’m working on an extremely similar tool changing project but i’m planning to use permanent magnets.
@Devadath_P.R Read the lectures from the MIT PERG group and Alexander Slocum. I spent a good year reading his material. That would be my advice.
So Sanjay, is this the result of a cooperation with user Wokbrenner? He invented tool changing for reprap YEARS before you.
Ii definitely looked at his work. But we took a very different approach. Tool changing was invented decades ago in milling. And when reprap was just a twinkle in Adrian bowyers eyes. We didn’t work with wokbrenner. I like his design but it think it too restrictive and lacking in repeatability. I don’t care who did it first, loads have done it before us. But we have made it work, and work well, and as a product ready to sell. That’s a very different thing to a YouTube video.
Free advice - if you have active hotends in the tool array, have a silicone “rest area” the nozzle can slide into when docked to gently plug the nozzle tip and prevent drips
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