FastLED and the esp8266-fastled-webserver are apparently running on a robotic coffee maker launching on

FastLED and the esp8266-fastled-webserver are apparently running on a robotic coffee maker launching on Kickstarter tomorrow!

You know I love your work , man - especially audio enabled version :slight_smile: Currently working on way to use it without msgeq7 - Keep great work !

Thanks @Nikolay_Hristov ! I used the Teensy 3.2’s FFT a while back:

I hear the ESP32 can handle FFT as well, hope to try it out soon!

I use currently Impulse library for python which uses FFTW and multicast spectrum packets in my network - so One-out multiple-ins works pretty smooth / Will share code when is polished

EDIT: Just for not flooding your post another idea came in mind recently with development of esp32 version something like this: – could be hosted on device and take currently playng stream peak via websocket or udp :wink: will be more platform independent and usefull

@Nikolay_Hristov , I’ve nearly finished porting @Jason_Coon 's collection of audio patterns to run with FFT on an ESP32. They’re nearly done, but I’ve been distracted by adding an accelerometer. Had lots of I2C issues, but fixed them today :slight_smile: