Exploring alternatives layout for QR.

Exploring alternatives layout for QR. Difficult to make it better than the already excellent original one, but keep trying.
Findings so far:

  1. Vertical beam inside and semi-open carriage allow to free one side of the 20x20 extrusion for fixing Z leadscrew;
  2. Possibility to get rid of on wheel, but have to come up with alternative way to stretch Dyneema (Eccentric? Slotted stepper bracket? Screws on carriage);
  3. An L-shaped or even Y-shaped plate would allow to fix both stepper motor and idler in ideal position;

Let me know your thoughts…

I’d like to find a way to easily separate the carriage/wheels from the carriage/dyneema holder/cross beam holder in order to check on clearance easily.
Having always the tension of the dyneema on the system makes it difficult to sense if anything is wrong.

Why do you consider it expensive? Due to the springs? Or is it the time you need to build them?