Does anyone have plans on where you will move this group once G+ shuts

The bottom line is that access to information and convenience decreases privacy.
I love to hear folks bitch about privacy while putting their passwords on stickies on their computer.
When you get on any social network you are going to give up privacy that is the point of being social. How do people think these companies make money to pay their software engineers??? With search and add revenue.

I still think the most comfortable way out is to create a private FB group. What info is this group giving up that is so private and that we haven’t already given up just by being on the internet?

@donkjr Yes, GDPR is a European law, but lots of American companies are updating their privacy policies everywhere because it is easier than trying to figure out who is from Europe.

Scanned over most of the responses here, but didn’t see what I’m about to suggest… What about Diaspora or Discord?