Do someone have a rotary attachment and can test LW4 A axis feature with

@CescoAiel ​ gcode spec dictates should be Y axis, I was told.

@Jorge_Robles ok

I am asking, because the FABkit has a separate plug for extra attachments (Rotary, possibly automatic passthrough) whilst the Y axis is connected to Beta and Delta…
(X is Alpha, Z is Gamma)
So that’d leave the epsilon axis for the extra attachments!

Ok, I’ve explained wrong.
LW does not know about your machine setup. It uses A axis, IE “G0 A10 FXXX”, and you have to map that axis on your board config.
The Y axis is used for rendering, nothing more.

That makes sense… Now I’ll go back to try to find whether there’s a clear description on that in the Smoothie documentation… :wink:
(I tried before, thought I’d check before continuing that quest)


Sorry @Jim_Fong I’m a bit busy right now, I hope @Todd_Fleming and @cprezzi will answer your questions ASAP :slight_smile:

@Jorge_Robles no hurry. I’ll leave the rotary setup in the laser. Whatever you need me to test, just let me know.

Here is a Link about the rotation axis directions: We use the VMC version.

@FabCreator @Bonne Wilce Have you tested the rotation options in LW4 yet? Any ideas how to combine the FABkit setup (alpha X, beta+delta Y and gamma Z) with the LW4 code (A axis, which is delta in Smoothie)?
I noticed there is only a max current setting for delta in the FABkit’s config, but does that even do anything without pin-assignments to go along with that?
It should be possible to match delta to M5 using pin assignments?

why is using 2 ports for Y? Aligning or power? Anyway, you could remap pinout from config so can derive A axis to any spare port

Left and right of Y axis have their own motors to keep the gantry squared. The FABkit has the tube on the gantry, so it’s a bit heavier and more likely to ‘lag’ on the non-powered side… Thus 2 steppers!

So, power. Remap delta pins to a spare slot.

Power Jorge smoothie driver max Amp is 2. There a 5 ports so still 1 free. Cesco let me check you may need to update your firmware to a 4 or 5 axis version. I’ll find a link later today. Once you done that you just need to input the same kind of information as the first motors for the a axis. I’ll try it out today.

I’ve got the config done, I think… Can’t find the damn connector Cables anymore which I ordered together with the stepper! :frowning:
GTG fly out again today for a week of training in Prague, so I won’t be able to play with it for the next 6 days! :frowning:

@CescoAiel Did you design the rotary you have in the photo? If so, is the design online somewhere? Thanks!

I used 2 thingverse designs… Changed 1 from a 3d printed object to a lasercuttable design for acrylic… I can point you at the chuck, but I am traveling, so I don’t have access to my SVGs, and I didn’t plan on putting them out there until I could confirm they were ok (Which they aren’t… I need to do some more tweaking on them!).

Hi all. I am done building my rotary for my k40. I have a C3d Mini running GRBL-LPC. I have some time to get it up and running. First question is, do I flash the 4 axis GRBL-LPC version? Second, I am not sure which of the 2 unused stepper driver ports on the C3d Mini I need to add a driver to (@raykholo ?).

Z would be for a table, A would be for the rotary.

@raykholo Got it. Didn’t even realize the board was labeled as such. Thanks.

Got it working with the 4 axis GRBL-LPC version and C3d board. That is, until my DRV-8825 driver failed. Two of them actually. Found a forum post in the cohesion 3d group that states these are not very good drivers. I’ll have to have a go at this at a later date :frowning: